Sunday 8 February 2015

Carmina Burana 153 (153 a): winter has gone away.

It is a bit early for this poem, but I hope that it serves as a spell for spring to come early. Every winter I hope for lots of snow and ice, but most times I get disappointed.  This morning what was left of ice has melted away, not to be seen again this winter and dreary weather with some rain and around 5-7 covers now my hometown. Sometimes I think I am born in the wrong country, as I prefer cold winters and hot summers. Well, with the climate change, those hot summers are now more or less guaranteed, but alas! – so are winters with hardly any ice….
The following poem from the Carmina Burana tells about the passing of winter and playfulness of the virgines on the grass.  The Latin is not too difficult, but there are mediaeval Latin words which may cause trouble. The syntax is subordinate to rhyming, or better, to the effect of sound e.g. annuunt favore/ volucres canore. The meaning is clear `the birds approve with applause by singing’, but few Roman children would have got away with such a sentence at school.
CB 153a is a sequel to 153 and in the first youtube link below it is part of the musical setting, covering 153 1-2 and 153a.


Tempus transit gelidum,           gelidus: icy
mundus renovatur,
verque redit floridum,               floridus: flowery
forma rebus datur.
avis modulatur,                         modulor: to sing
modulans letatur                       laetor: to rejoice
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
et lenior                                    lenis: soft
aer iam serenatur;                     sereno: to make clear. bright
iam florea,
iam frondea                              frondeus: covered with leaves
silva comis densatur.                 coma: folliage

Ludunt super gramina               gramen, -inis (n): grass
virgines decore,
quarum nova carmina
dulci sonant ore.                       (ex) dulci ore
annuunt favore                         annuo:  to approve
volucres canore,
favet et odore
tellus picta flore.                       tellus, telluris (f.) : earth
cor igitur
et cingitur
et tangitur    amore,
et avibus
strepentibus sonore.                  strepo –ui: to make a noise

Tendit modo retia                     rete (n.): net
puer pharetratus;                       pharetratus: wearing a quiver (i.e. Cupid)
cui deorum curia                       curia: house
prebet famulatus,                      praebeo: to offer; famulatus, –us (m.): servitude
cuius dominatus                        dominatus, -us (m.) : command
nimium est latus,                      is very difficult to bear
per hunc triumphatus
sum et sauciatus:                      sauciatus: wounded
et fueram
in primis reluctatus,                  reluctor: to resist
sed iterum
per puerum                               i.e. Cupid
sum Veneri prostratus.

Unam, huius vulnere
saucius, amavi,                         saucius: wounded
quam sub firmo federe              federe = foedere (foedus , -eris (n): treaty
michi copulavi.                         copulo: to unite
fidem, quam iuravi,                  iuro: to swear
numquam violavi;
rei tam suavi
totum me dicavi.                      dico: to dedicate
quam dulci
sunt basia                                 basium: kiss
puelle!    iam gustavi:               puelle = puellae; gusto: to taste
nec cinnamum                          cinnamum:  cinnamon
et balsamum                             balsamum:  fragrant gum of the balsam-tree
esset tam dulce favi!                 favus: honey-comb, honey


 Vrowe, ih pin dir undertan                   Lady, I am your servant
des la mich geniezen!                            let me enjoy this!
ih diene dir, so ih beste chan;                I will serve you as best as I can;
des wil dih verdriezen.                          you will regret that.
nu wil du mine sinne                            Now you want to close
mit dime gewalte sliezen.                      my desire with your sovereignty.
nu woldih diner minne                          Now I want to enjoy
vil sůze wunne niezen.                          your love full with lust.
vil reine wip,                                        Much pure lady,
din schoner lip                                      your beautiful body
wil mih ze sere schiezen!                      wants to shoot wounds in me!
uz dime gebot                                       From your demand
ih nimmer chume,                                I will never withdraw,
obz alle wibe hiezen!                             even if all women order it!

Link including the middle high German stanza

Link with the first three stanzas with translation:

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